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HR Manager
The leading supplier of HR and recruitment systems in the Nordics
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About Sundhed & Stab

Back in 2003 we decided to develop unique software solutions for the Nordic market and the dream was to develop software solutions for the HR and recruitment business. As a unique feature, the systems had to be developed as user friendly and flexible solutions, that constantly evolves as the customers and the market evolves. The form was meant as cloud based solutions. So this was how we started.

We set ONE overall goal – and yes, we wanted to be the leading supplier of HR and recruitment systems in The North

Today the entire team in HR Manager is happy that this succeeded, and most of all; with satisfied and recurring customers! HR Manager has become a success caused be several factors; partly because there has been an ambitious goal, will, committed employees, a wide range of cultural differences, a fantastic team spirit, skilled developers and partly because our customers are cooperative. The demand on the market is mainly for user friendly and flexible solutions – this is where we want to offer the best solutions.

Meet an employee

Jonathan Smith
Jonathan has been part of our team since ever. He was appointed to the United States Air Force Academy, entering with the Class of 1973 in June 1969. He was selected along with around a dozen other freshmen for a cadet glider program, and by the end of that year, he was an instructor pilot. In the year of his graduation, 1973, he received the Outstanding Cadet in Airmanship award, as the class "top flyer". Following graduation with a Bachelor of Science and his commissioning as an officer, the Air Force immediately sent Jonathan to Purdue University to pursue a master's degree prior to entering Undergraduate Pilot Training (UPT).